Forward Keith Jordan Jr.
6-6 198 cm
Agent: Free Agency Basketball
Last Team Played for: 2019-20 NAIA Siena Heights University
Notable Awards: NAIA All American (2019), WHAC 1st Team All Conference (19,20), WHAC All Defensive Team (19), 1,491 Career Points (6th School History)
Jordan named All Conference Article: http://shusaints.com/sports/mbkb/2019-20/releases/20200225omrq1e
"I am really high on Keith Jordan. He is a skilled forward who is a big time athlete. He can rebound on both ends of the floor and can guard almost any position. He can score on the block and on the drive. However what sticks out to me about him is the fact he can really shoot the basketball. Look at his shooting percentages." Michael Stinnett Free Agency Director of Scouting
2019-20 Siena Heights Stats
31 Games - 17.5ppg, 7.6rpg,1.4 steals, 1.0 assists, 42% 3pt, 79.6%FT
Stat Link: http://shusaints.com/sports/mbkb/2019-20/players/keithjordanjrx2br
Highlight Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIB9KMfzMjw
Highlight Link #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrgFdDrAq18
Full Game #30 Black - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGEIpqmjUGs&feature=youtu.be​
Full Game #30 Black - https://aqsaints.com/watch/?Archive=105&type=Archive
2018-19 Siena Heights Stats
29 Games-17.3ppg, 6.8rpg, 51.3%FG, 42.6% 3pt, 80% FT
Highlight Junior Year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHxopriQtHI
Keith played at Siena Heights from 2016-2020 - He got better each season and here are his career stats: http://www.dakstats.com/WebSync/Pages/Team/IndividualStats.aspx?association=10&sg=MBB&sea=NAIMBB_2019&team=593&plr=175681&tab=2