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Available for purchase
SBS Pro Workshop Podcast - Available Anytime
*This will be the same information that would of have been covered in the 2 hour workshop at the regularly scheduled event.
*Topics include: Basics, Film, Profile, Selection of Agent, Camps/Exposure, Pay Scale, Scams, Question and Answer (once you register you can email and he will address any specific questions not covered in the workshop)
*Individuals who register will have the podcast links sent to them at and they can download the links because they will expire. Handouts will also be emailed at that time.
*Individuals who register will also have their player information added to a page on with their highlight film that will be sent to pro coaches throughout the world.
*This is a great way to learn the process of overseas basketball (the truth) and to gain exposure for a very minimal cost.
Email - Name, Height, Position, Last team played for (Once I get that information I will research you and add other items based on research). Also send highlight when you get it done and that will be added under your information on the page. If highlight is not finished at purchase time you can send anytime and it will be added.
Cost: $30 (Once again this will be the best money you have spent. The least I can do during this time for you and your family with events canceled etc).
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