David Orrit Signs in Spain with CB Pardinyes-LLeida
Very happy to announce the signing of David Òrrit (@orrriiiiiiittt_) for the @cbpardinyes. Òrrit will continue his sports career in the Leb silver by Team Ilerdense. Sort i encerts @orrriiiiiiittt_
David Orrit Profile: https://www.freeagency.es/player/david-orrit/
"This is a great step for David Orrit and his career. Going to great organization like CB Pardinyes-LLeida in the LEB Silver league will be great for him. I got the opportunity to meet David last year at the 2019 KPA Vegas Pro Summer League and he is a first class person and solid player. David and I are very excited for him" Michael Stinnett (Free Agency Basketball Director of Scouting).
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